Gold Level — Cope Plastics, Inc.; Curbell Plastics, Inc.; CartierWilson LLC; Piedmont Plastics; Polymershapes
These five companies were selected for their commitment to continuing plastics education and sales training through IAPD’s Certificate Programs and education resources. The Education Circle of Champions has three award levels: Gold, Silver and Bronze. The criteria are demanding, so it is significant that so many companies achieved this level of recognition.

Gold — Curbell Plastics, Inc.
Silver — Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials
Bronze — Piedmont Plastics and Cope Plastics, Inc.
Impact Award — Vycom
These awards celebrate the environmentally responsible practices of IAPD member companies. Applicants indicate their dedication to sustainable business practices via strategies such as recycling, conservation, community outreach, employee engagement and more. New this year is the Impact Award, which goes to a company or branch location that implemented a change that made a positive environmental impact.

Gold — Vycom
Silver — Curbell Plastics, Inc.
Bronze — Polymershapes
The IAPD Marketing Excellence Awards celebrate the creative marketing efforts by IAPD member companies. The awards are based on a point system. The point system includes many low-cost or even free options for companies who may not have a marketing budget or even a dedicated marketing department.