

Fabrication Services Showcase contains paid listings of companies with fabrication services, products and machinery that cater to the performance plastics distribution industry. IAPD does not endorse nor make recommendations in regard to the companies supplying their services. For details and pricing information to include your company in this Fabrication Services Showcase, contact Dave Blackhurst, IAPD’s Sales Executive, at (913) 345-1005 or email dblackhurst@iapd.org.

CNC Equipment

Stiles Machinery logo

Sawing, trimming, drilling, polishing, measuring or 3D processing — no matter what techniques are involved, Stiles has the CNC technology to get it done. Their machining solutions can be custom-configured to your specific needs. From productivity and high precision, to energy and material savings, Stiles provides proven CNC options for plastics processing. For more information, contact info@stilesmachinery.com or visit www.stilesmachinery.com.

Vortex Tool Company, Inc. logo

Vortex Tool Company, Inc. designs and manufactures a wide variety of standard and custom high-performance router and insert cutting tools for the woodworking and plastics industries, and provides retipping and sharpening services for all makes and models. www.vortextool.com, phone (800) 355-7708.

Custom Fabrication
Comp TECH logo
Manufacturing PTFE and other engineering plastics products in liner, gaskets, o-rings, bushings, valve seats, insulators and custom fabricated parts. Contact Jocelyn Yang at (86) 25-86125886 or email jocelyn.yang@njcomptech.com.
Seelye Acquisitions, Inc. logo
With over 60 years of experience, DJ Plastics, a division of Seelye Acquisitions, Inc., custom fabricates high quality water and chemical tanks. Contact Paige Bowen at (407) 656-6677 or email paigeb@seelyeinc-orl.com.
IMA Schelling Group logo
IMA Schelling Group is a single-source provider of sales, service, and support for Schelling panel saws designed specifically for cutting all types of plastics, composites and advanced materials. We work collaboratively with North American businesses ranging from fabrication shops, distribution organizations, and manufacturers, incorporating best-in-class machinery for optimal production. After machine installation, service and support are provided either remotely or by on-site Schelling factory-trained technicians to ensure uptime. Schelling’s fk series of panel saws offer maximum cutting heights ranging from 4” to 10”. Many plastics distribution facilities and fabrication shops struggle with long cycle times, cutting accuracy, cleanliness, and surface protection throughout the process. As the technology leader in plastic specific cut-to-size saws, Schelling has engineered solutions to address these concerns. Contact Stephen Bailey at stephen.bailey@imaschelling.com.
Stiles machinery logo
Cutting edge technology provides you tight tolerances and extremely accurate results for processing plastics. We offer a variety of options to meet your cutting demands — for sizing large acrylic sheets to cutting thin, delicate materials. Our range of options include everything from smaller, custom-cutting saws to large production systems where fast production speeds are required. To learn more, contact info@stilesmachinery.com or visit www.stilesmachinery.com.