he companies of The Rowmark Group (TRG), including FinishTEK, RCL and Rowmark Extrusion, are focused on helping you exceed your customers’ expectations. Whether you’re looking for custom plastic sheet extrusion or the latest in surface decoration through custom laminated films and state-of-the-art robotic hydrographic application, TRG makes it easy to get all of your materials from one source.
FinishTEK pioneered the hydrographic dipping process in the 1990s. A state-of-the-art facility with robotic hydrographic dipping capabilities and a knowledgeable team has made FinishTEK a leading supplier of decorated plastics and metals for OEM and Tier One suppliers.
Rowmark Custom Laminations (RCL) has more than 40 years of creating unique, custom films for the thermoforming industry. With low order minimums and made-to-order custom film printing, RCL has become the trusted source for custom products for suppliers around the world.
Rowmark has more than 40 years of plastic extrusion experience and can produce custom colors, gauges, patterns and sizes of plastic sheet up to 74” wide. With multiple extrusion lines and countless options available, you’ll find the right product for every job and application.
TRG is your single source for thermoforming materials, decorative and custom films and state-of-the-art robotic hydrographic dipping. When it comes to custom extruded plastics and contemporary surface decoration, regardless of the question, the answer is “yes” from the companies of TRG.