urbell Plastics, Inc. recently donated more than 2,500 pounds of plastic materials to the international nonprofit Range of Motion Project (ROMP).
While attending the American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association (AOPA) exhibition in San Diego in 2019, Jeff Wilson, senior business development manager – Curbell O&P, met Lauren “LP” Panasewicz, director of development at ROMP. Learning about ROMP’s mission to provide high quality prosthetic care in underserved populations to enhance mobility and unlock human potential captured Wilson’s attention. In early 2020 as Curbell O&P was consolidating their Arlington, TX, USA locations, Wilson remembered that conversation. Even with a new optimized racking system, Curbell O&P realized they did not have enough space to house the inventory of two locations in one. Taking a look at the extra plastic materials, which included uncommonly used sheet sizes for O&P fabrication, Curbell staff compiled a list of EVA materials for flexible inner liners (OP-TEK® Flex, OP-TEK® Flex Comfort and Proflex with silicone), Polypro, Copoly, LDPE and Orfitrans™ Stiff.

As with any non-profit organization, ROMP must stretch their funds as far as possible. Krupa estimated that the Curbell O&P material donation would help anywhere from 500 to 700 patients in Ecuador. Wilson and the Curbell O&P team felt very fortunate to be able to help so many underprivileged patients while keeping the material from going to a landfill. www.curbellplastics.com.
They recognize the dual hardships of living in poverty with a disability and stand in solidarity with those who are made to suffer from an unequal distribution of care.
They understand that disability is caused by broken devices and broken healthcare systems — not broken bodies — and they work to increase the mobility, visibility and dignity of all those marginalized by lack of access to rehabilitative technology.
According to ROMP, “Amputees are not disabled by a missing limb, but by a missing prosthesis.” For more information, visit www.rompglobal.org.