Year in
ccording to Dale Delmage of Redwood Plastics and Rubber and Board Liaison to the GenerationNext group:
I am excited to be the new Board liaison for the IAPD GenerationNext. This group was established with the following goals in mind, to:
- Create a forum where young professionals can network to share ideas and experiences
- Align topics important to young professionals with IAPD’s vision for the future
- Promote IAPD’s Member companies’ career opportunities to young professionals
- Share experiences and insight from seasoned members with young professionals
- Have fun connecting with peers and industry leaders
IAPD’s young professionals are the future of the leadership of IAPD and each of IAPD’s member companies. They hold many of the same priorities as us “seasoned members,” but they also have many ideals that may not always align with how we view our industry. It’s important that today’s leaders build an industry that is inclusive of all member companies’ ideals if we are to remain relevant for the long term.
I urge the leaders of IAPD member companies to encourage your young team members to get involved, and I equally encourage those in the performance plastics industry who are 35 or younger to reach out to IAPD staff for future GenerationNext events where you can get involved.
This year, I attended the IAPD Northeast Charitable Golf Tournament on August 11th along with a few of my colleagues. I have attended this event in the past and made some great connections. However, the difference with attending the event this year vs. previous years is that I am now a member of the GenerationNext group. Being a member of this group has made all the events and connections so much better. I used to have a small circle of connections until the other members of the GenerationNext group started introducing me to their circles.
The organizers of the GenNext group and IAPD staff are a blast to work with. They know so many people and bring so much energy to the events.
—Bryan Robinson, Mitsubishi Chemical Group Engineered Shapes & Solutions