hen people hear the word custom, they usually think expensive. Their mental calculator starts adding up charges for design time, prototypes, tooling, molds, etc. Yes, a custom project can cost more than purchasing something off the shelf, but that’s only looking at part of the equation. In some cases, having a tank custom fabricated may even save you money.
What does it mean to have a plastic tank custom fabricated? As the user of the tank, you dictate its size and shape. More importantly, you make the decisions about how many and the placement of the fittings and connections required for your tank. By being able to design the tank to the exact specifications of your space, layout and needs, not only will you have a tank that fits perfectly in the available space, you will save money by not having to retrofit the surrounding area to fit your tank.
Having to retrofit an area can be one of the biggest expenses of any job. Not only does it make it more expensive, but it can make the job more difficult. Retrofitting to fit the tank requires additional material, takes time and can cost you in lost productivity as well as the hard costs involved. It may also result in lines not able to run as smoothly, making the flow more difficult. Access to the tank may be impeded for cleaning, viewing or, if needed, repairing. Designing the tank to fit perfectly into your production area means your systems run more streamlined; in the long run, it means saving money.

Another important aspect when selecting a fabricator is (obviously) their knowledge of fabricating. For instance, will the tank need internal baffle supports? If that is not an option, are encapsulated steel ribs acceptable? Knowing when you do — and don’t — need supports can mean the difference between spending a little or a lot of money.

Custom fabrication should no longer be out of reach. With the correct information and knowledge, custom fabricating may just be the right fit.