- The U.S. economy will have solid growth; potential for economic growth later in the year is substantial with 3.5 percent GDP growth forecast for 2022.
- Equipment shortages will continue due to supply chain disruptions. Businesses will be likely to invest capital in maintaining inventories of crucial components and develop relationships with new suppliers to reduce impact of future disruptions.
- High inflation will be a major headwind for Main Street and the economy. The Federal Reserve has announced several interest rate hikes in 2022. It remains to be seen what impact, if any, interest rate increases will have on supply or demand.
- Positive growth in capital spending will continue. Equipment and software investment growth of 4.6 percent is expected.
- Equipment finance will play a significant role in economic growth. Based on historical precedent, more than half of equipment and software investment this year will be financed. In addition, inflationary pressures that drive equipment prices higher will make financing more desirable with payments spread out over time.
- Government fiscal and regulatory policies will pose opportunities and challenges to capital spending.
- Pandemic-driven changes in the workplace will continue to impact equipment demand. Ongoing remote/hybrid work arrangements will drive demand for new types of equipment and software. Automation and AI technologies such as robotics, machine learning and natural language processing will boost the productivity of employees working remotely and fill the void of unavailable labor.
- Many key equipment types will show growth. While equipment and software investment should expand at a healthy rate, growth is likely to be uneven across equipment verticals. Trucks, oil and gas equipment and materials handling equipment should benefit from sustained demand. Verticals such as automobiles, construction machinery and agricultural equipment may continue to face pandemic-related headwinds such as input shortages, high energy prices and volatile demand conditions.
- Businesses will increase their focus on digitization and data. Businesses will need to leverage both customer and external data for competitive advantages in areas such as customer behavior and market dynamics. Cybersecurity risks will require increasingly robust cyber- and data-security protocols to be implemented.
- Wild cards will play a role in business investment decisions. There are other areas in addition to the trends above that businesses will keep an eye on that could impact their equipment acquisition strategies. Continued fallout from the pandemic and future variants, ongoing labor shortages, passage of the “Build Back Better” spending package in Washington and midterm elections could all have potential business impacts.
ELFA distilled recent research and data, including the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation’s 2022 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook, industry participants’ expertise and member input from ELFA meetings in compiling the trends. www.equipmentfinanceadvantage.org/toolkit/10trends.cfm.
India will see the most rapid advances of any major national market globally, boosted by rising public infrastructure spending, which will drive strong growth in domestic construction activity (and related adhesives and sealants use) and domestic sales of motor vehicles, which will fuel output and capacity expansions by major automakers in the country.
Global Adhesives & Sealants is now available from the Freedonia Group. www.freedoniagroup.com/industry-study/global-adhesives-sealants-4301.htm.